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الجميع HR Mobile System Banks and checks Definitions and accounts
Properties and Options Reporting and printing POS Invoices and orders vouchers
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من خلال الدخول الى حساباتي hr ثم الى نظام الدوام والضغط على استعلام وثم اختيار نظام الدوام الجديد الذي تريد ربط الموظف به
بعد ذلك اعلى يسار الشاشة موجود زر اسمه تحديد الموظفين اضغط عليه لتظهر لك شاشة موجود بها الموظفين التابعين لنظام الدوام هذا وفي اخر سطر في الشاشة سيظهر لك اشارة عدسة اضغط علييها
ثم اختر الموظف المقصود ثم حدد خيار من تاريخ وادخل التاريخ الذي تريد ان يبدأ الموظف بالعمل به على النظام الجديد ثم بعد ذلك اضغط على اشارة الدفتر والقلم
بهذه الحالة سكون تم نقل الموظف الى نظام الدوام الجديد

ان نظام الموارد البشرية هو نظام شامل وواسع لا يمكن العمل على شرحه كتابةً عبر نظام الدردشة لذا تم العمل على توفير شروحات كملة وشاملة على النظام وستتمكن من العمل على النظام باحترافية عالية بعد مشاهدة تلك اللقائات مرفق لك روابط هذه اللقائات

الجزئ الاول
الجزئ الثاني
الجزئ الثالث
الجزئ الرابع
الجزئ الخامس
الجزئ السادس
الجزئ السابع

(First, go to the definitions - then to the accounts of other budget opponents - and define the calculation of the father by pressing the sign + overload and named employees, and then exit from this window and the definition of each employee by his name by typing in the field name and then choose the name of the father account (employees) Which is defined at the beginning, and so all employees are identified with you by their names and sell them to the account of a father and a staff member Next Duck explains the other opponents of the budget in detail http://hesabate.com/hesabatehelp/credit.html

After that, an expense account is defined through the definitions - the expense card - and called the salary expense - and sold to the account of the father, which is also defined by the pressure on the signal overload +
The following link explains the expense card in detail

After the completion of these mistakes, steps to define the constants to address the subject of employees manually remains to prove the financial movements that take place on the staff as follows
At the end of each month, a proof of entry is made to prove the salary of the employee only and to pay it to the account of the salary expenses. The bills and bonds - the bond of entry - and the work of a bill of account from the payroll account (with the debtor) are paid to the monthly salary of the employee and the second party Beginning with the accounts of other budget liabilities and in the creditor party and placing the same amount, the employee's monthly salary to equal the parties to the registration The debtor and the creditor, and when paying the salary of the employee, for example at the beginning of the month or at any time, also by going to the same bond (bond) and the work of a new bond of account (employee), which was defined through the accounts of other budget liabilities and the amount paid And the second party shall choose the method of payment made to the employee (whether to the bank or the fund, etc.) and to put the value in the creditor party with the amount Which has been paid to equal the entry and the following link explains the registration document in detail
Any financial movement shall also be paid to the employee from an advance, bonus, deduction or additional work allowance, etc., through the definition of the relevant accounts to restrict any financial transaction
Employee with the observation It is preferable to implement all of the above mentioned by an experienced accountant to ensure the integrity of the operations arithmetically and accounting.

Finally, to view the reports of employees and to know the statement of account of each employee, it is through the reports - accounting accounting reports - the disclosure of other budget liabilities - and the selection of the account, the employee and request the report of the options you want and will show you a detailed statement of account explaining all the movements that the employee and the balance Due to the employee or employee at the bottom of the report)

في البداية يجب ان تعلم بان نظام المندوبين والموظفين نظام مدفوع ويجب عليك تسديد تكلفته لمرة واحدة فقط قبل البدا بالعمل عليه.
وللتعرف على كيفية تعريف المندوبين والموظفين شاهد الرابط التالي

في حال كان لديك نظام حساباتي HR فيمكنك ذلك من خلال سند تحويل من حساب البنك
وفي حال عدم وجود نظام الموارد البشرية لديك يمكنك ذلك من خلال سند القيد المحاسبي